Investigating the fiction of children in changing to dramatic forms (case study: reading eleven stories by age groups A and B
In this study, the competencies of children's section in changing to dramatic forms have been investigated in the field of visual and audible media children spend their time at home, in preschools and then in schools; they experience the highest learning and impressibility in these ages. storytelling and changing it to the drama is one of the enjoyable entertainments for them which accelerates the learning of life's teachings and increases mental growth; consequently, the improvement of structures quality and childish play content and media productivity via suitable selection of the validity works of children are considered so important. Categorizing dramatic capabilities of children's stories, via structural categorizing of their validity designs, causes the durability of children's literal works, better impressibility and education and also better vitality to be reached; moreover, it follows the improvement of childish dramatic forms quality. Reading eleven stories among uncountable stories of age groups A and B and extracting their validity elements show that they have limited and extensive dramatic capacities for changing to short animations and radio and sometimes puppet shows or scene; these capacities are existed in the primary texture of the stories. considering the rate of curiosity, patience, mental growth of the infant from one hand and also the features of all kinds of validity designs and adapting them with different dramatic structures on the other hand play on important role for each story in determining suggestive displays and prioritizing them.
شاخص های فمینیستی در داستان «تصادف» سیمین دانشور
محمد محتشم*، مژده مهرآفرین
پژوهشنامه جریان شناسی شعر و داستان ادبیات معاصر ایران، بهار و تابستان 1402 -
A comparative study of description between "shauhar e ahu khanom" & "zeinab" based on dialogue
*, Shahnaz Baseri
Comparative Literature Research,