Social policy in the field of control and reduction of social harm and its impacton social security
One of the duties of governments in each society is to create the necessary framework forthe realization of social security, which have different components in its creation. One of thecomponents that can influence the realization of social security is controlling and reducing socialharm. To this end, it is imperative that the government can take appropriate policies in this area toprovide security. The current situation in the country shows that in the area of social damage, weare seeing an increase in the number of social injuries, their variability and the reduction of the ageof socially damaged people. The purpose of this study was to elaborate proposed policies in thefield of control and reduction of social damages in Iran and its impact on social security. For thispurpose, using the views of the elites and experts of the country, macro policies are appropriatefor controlling and Reduced social damage. .
The research is a qualitative and applied research - an extension that has beendeveloped by Delphi. . Delphi is a systematic data making method by which experts’ opinionsare obtained regarding a particular subject or question. In this study, during three rounds, expertsanswered written questions, anonymously. The participants had seen feedbacks of others andcould change or insist on their point of view. Finally, the research team felt that relative consensushas been reached and it finished. 20 experts were asked to participate in the study. Reviewing therelated sources was also taken out.Results was discovered differently in any round. In pre-round stage, one single open questionwas posed and 52 policies were taken out. Purifying the received responses, 48 items were sentback to the participants. In next rounds respectively, 33 and 31 policies were identified and it wasassessed that the participants has agreed on 31 policies.Based on the findings, except for substance use that it has already been made in 2006, macrolevelsocial policy regarding social harms seems necessary to be built. Just by taking a macro-levelpolicy, it will be possible to design pathways for social harms not to disturb social security. To reachsocial policies which fits for social harms decline, so that social security become provided, adequatemacro level policies must be adopted to avoid arbitrary decision making, to get all capacities,either in GO or NGO parts together, to begin an inter-organizational coordination, to managesources in an effective way, to determine priorities for policy making, to administer programscomprehensively, inclusively, and adequately, and finally, to do a better work division amongrelated organizations in different levels, and finally, social security become promoted.