The Most Frequent Types of the Phonological Processes of Assimilation, Elision, and addition in the Layzangani Dialect
Layzangan is a village of Darab in Fars, Iran, located 54 kilometers to the East of Darab. Its population is about 2000. In this article, the writer attempts to investigate phoneme processes of assimilation, elision, and addition in the Layzangani dialect. The data of this research shows the new generations use of the words with little phonological changes unlike their parents. In this dialect, the assimilation phonological process is more active than any other studied ones. And many words have been changed under the influence of assimilation. Among the vowels of this dialect the assimilation of the open vowel /i/ to /u/ and the exchange of low vowels /e/ and / a/ to /o/ at the beginning of the words are used more frequently .The other active components of this dialect is assimilation /ab/, /ab/, /ab/ and / af / to compound vowel /o/. The results obtained in the case of phonological analysis of insertion and increment show that in special cases, when two vowels are included in this dialect, insertion function is more frequent in this speech, the insertion function of (y) is more than the other one. Sometimes, a ring is added to the speech chain, which is not known reasonably. In the Phonological process, the reduction is followed by the lessening of the consonant /t/ followed by the consonant /s/ consonant /d/ after /n/ is more frequent. If the suffix is added to many of these words, since it begins with the vowels, the consonants /t/ and /d/ appear in the form of /ss/، /zz/ و /nn/ at the same time, assimilation process has been occurred.
توصیف وابسته های اسم در گروه اسمی گویش لایزنگان داراب
نشریه مطالعات نقد زبانی و ادبی، تابستان 1402 -
The structure of the simple verb in Layzangan dialect of Darab
Hasan Ranjbar
Journal of Urban Economics,