Analysis of Post-Earthquake Psycho-social Traumas:The Case of Sar-Pole-Zahab Earthquake
The earthquake as a natural phenomenon and disaster, beside physical and financial threats, bring about social and psychological harms which in long-term may cause deep consequences. Considering social and psychological consequences as a strategic and managerial plan is essential in preventing the future harms and damages. Traumas such as shock, severe fear, anger, helplessness, numbness, annoying memories, loss of concentration, are among those that threaten survivors after catastrophic events, especially earthquakes. The study tries to investigate the social and psychological status of people after Sar Pole Zahab earthquake in autumn 2016. Based on research findings through in-depth interviews with qualitative method, stress and severe phobia, claustrophobia, nyctophobia, violence (as psychological traumas) and mistrust, women's social suffering, Begging and robbery (as social Injuries) has increased dramatically.