Validity of the Fourth grade Iranian Student TIMSS2007 Mathematics Sub-scales in predicting Further scholastic performance at years 1385-1389: longitudinal study
This study investigated the validity of the TIMSS Data 2007 At "Grade 4th" Iranian Student In predicting scholastic performance in Mathematics at fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade and seventh grade at their school. A Sample in this study include of total Tehran City Student (n=395) participated in TIMSS2007. In This study TIMSS2007 Mathematics content and Cognitive domain performance use As Predictor variable. scholastic performance in Mathematics fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade and seventh grade in their classrooms at academical years 1385-1389 use As Criterion variable. The results indicated that the TIMSS2007 Mathematics content and Cognitive SubScale are generalizably valid predictors of grade point at fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade and seventh grade.