The Relationship between justice and social solidarity from Imam Ali's point of view
Justice is one of the most striking factors in creating social solidarity, so that social solidarity continues in the shadow of justice. Obviously, in a society where justice is in place, social relations between the people and the rulers are strong and more visible. Throughout the history of Islam, justice in the true sense of the word has emerged during the reign of Imam Ali (be peace upon him), and the famous story of Aqeel, the brother of the Imam and the molten iron, confirms this fact. In this study, the necessary information has been collected using the library method. The results showed that the relationship between justice and social solidarity from the point of view of the pious Mawlawi Ali (be peace upon him) introduces a complete form of justice and social solidarity and show a direct and significant link between justice and social solidarity to achieve development in the Islam world.
Effective Factors of Energy Growth in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Ahmadreza Alai*,
Iranian Journal of Official Statistics Studies, -
Investigating the Impact of Digitalization and Energy Intensity on Economic Growth in Mena Selected Countries
*, Mohammad Shayesteh
Journal of Econometric Modeling,