Economic Indicators of the Faithful and Revolutionary Forces in the Holy Quran
The followers of the prophets (peace be upon them all) have resorted to the monotheis ticteachings in dealing with various issues affecting human societies to select an approachand behavior that are good and acceptable according to the Holy Quran. Part of this interactionrelates to the economic issues, the s tudy of which yields – in addition to individualpatterns – key teachings for the planning and executive bodies of the governments formedbased on Quranic precepts. This paper classifies and s tudies the verses of the Holy Quranwith the aid of library sources to analyze the mos t important economic indicators of thefollowers of the prophets (peace be upon them all) as believers and revolutionary forcesin view of the Holy Quran. In addition to defending the revolutionary nature and confrontingthe claims on inefficiency of their economic laws, this paper intends to presentsuccessful examples for economic progress and for overcoming economic tensions setby the enemies within general s trategies. Results of the s tudy indicate that wholesomeeconomic laws and transparency of these laws, all-out efforts, financial independence,crisis management, economic support of the people, fighting unwholesome economy,corruption and related abnormalities, financial equality with people and fighting aris tocracyare among the mos t important economic indicators of believers and revolutionaryforces in view of the Holy Quran.