Promoting social livability through crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED)
Considering that livability usually includes elements of the neighborhood and metropolitan area that contribute to security, economic opportunities, welfare, health, fitness, mobility and recreation in the present study with the aim of improving livability in the crypt of Nahavand city of Nahavand The social aspect has been done by focusing on increasing security with the help of a crime prevention approach through environmental design. In this regard, the research data has been collected in a survey and through a questionnaire in order to extract the most important security issues and problems in the neighborhood. Here are three suggested alternatives to solve problems and improve neighborhood security. Then, the criteria and sub-criteria of the crime prevention approach by environmental design are extracted from documentary sources and the proposed alternatives are evaluated by the network analysis process using super design software based on crime prevention criteria by environmental design. . Finally, the first alternative, which emphasizes the expansion of night space and night security, has been selected. Finally, the space organization and the proposed three-dimensional design with the help of lumion and sketchup software have been presented.