Pathological Findings in Aborted Fetuses of DairyHerds of Tehran
Abortion and fetal loss are the most important problems in industrial dairy cattle, which causing a lot of economiclosses to dairy herds. Abortion causes are classifed into two major classes. Infectious and non-infectious classes,Bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoal agents are in infectious causes of abortion and nutritional factors, chemicals,drugs, poisons, are in non-infectious class, poisonous plants and hormonal factors are in non-infectious causes ofabortion. Many infectious agents cause changes in fetus and placenta which some of them are specifc and someare shared with other agents. Many aborted fetuses can be detected by careful review of pathological fndingsand can be solved in order to be tried in the herd. Pathological changes in aborted fetuses can be investigatedby macroscopic and microscopic survey. On the basis of existing studies, some of the pathological lesions arecompletely specifc and can be detected by microscopic observation. To determine the causes of abortion inTehran province dairy herds and their macroscopic and microscopic lesions, 200 aborted fetuses were collectedin four consecutive seasons. After necropsy, the macroscopic lesions in their various organs were observed andtissue samples obtained from the brain, cerebellum, heart, liver, spleen, kidney, lung and skeletal muscle werefxed in neutral buffered 10% formalin, routinely embedded in paraffn and stained with H&E. The results ofthis study showed that most abortions in dairy herds of the west region of Tehran province are due to 4 diseases:Neosporosis, BVD, Leptospirosis and IBR. On the basis of these results, each one had its specifc histopathologicalcharacteristics which can be used for the purpose of diagnosis.