Capability of the Judicial Bill "Securing Women against Violence" In Consolidate Children's Right to Health
The right to health is the subject of many international treaties and national laws. The protection of this right and the provision of legal and objective requirements for its fulfillment for children - as a specially protected human group - are of great importance and, of course, the concern of legal systems.In addition to direct legislative policy, sub-legislative strategies through the enactment of laws and regulations that affect children's right to health are an important area of study. The main obligors of the right to health are the governments, and the system of the Islamic Republic has had many ups and downs in protecting this right.Considering the comprehensive dependence of children's health on the health and safety of mothers, the bill "Protection, Dignity and Security of Women against Violence" seems to have strengths and weaknesses, the analysis of which is approved and implemented from the perspective of effectiveness. The bill (after approval) on reducing the victimization of children dependent on the victimization of their mothers is the subject of this article.The present study, after recognizing the role of promoting the health of children in reducing their victimization rate, examines the effectiveness of the reform of the judicial system and criminalization and prevention, which is set out in this bill; To determine the extent of women's support in reducing the vulnerability of children to maternal victimization.The bill's ideological discourse, and the its inability to present a new order combining the three aspects of human rights norms, Islamic teachings, and the considerations of the Iranian family, do not bode well for enhanced protection of women against violence. Children continue to be affected by their mothers' victimization of violence. Solutions to reduce the shortcomings of the bill are presented in this article.