Assessing e-government readiness at the level of Iranian government organizations (Case study: Tarbiat Modares University)
Given the fact that universities are known as the pioneer of progress and innovation in society, the expectation of e-government maturity in universities is higher than in other government organizations. Given the high capacity of human capital, universities have the ability to adapt to e-government sooner than other organizations. To meet these expectations, the e-government of universities and higher education institutions must be continuously evaluated. In this paper, in order to design a model for assessing the readiness of e-government at the level of government organizations, a model has been extracted that includes "organizational-Affiliated" and "independent of the organization" indicators. The order of importance is: "Technological Infrastructure", "Monitoring, Support and Coordination", "Trust", "Executive Policy and Law", "Human Resources", "Digital Culture", "Integrity" and "Budget", as well as the " National Infrastructure" index is considered as an independent indicator of the organization. In the field study, the model was used to assess the readiness of e-government at Tarbiat Modares University.