Children’s Right to Health and Protection in Iran; Domestic Implementation of International Laws
All children have a right to benefit from health facilities, goods and services and be protected from physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, and neglect or maltreatment. Some groups of children need special support to enjoy their rights. The aim of this paper is to review Iran’s laws and policies on the protection of children’s right to health. The method of this descriptive and analytical study was content analysis of international and national law and reports related to children’s right to health and the current situation of Iranian children. The data was collected from academic literature and official webpages of United Nations and Iranian government’s organizations. Realizing citizens’ right to health and protection, Iran’s laws respect the right of vulnerable groups of children to special support. Moreover, to protect Iranian children from health risks and maltreatment, there are several deterrent laws. Iranian laws on children often are consistent with international human rights laws. However, not all of them are adequately and completely implemented. To promote the health of children, weaknesses in the implementation of laws should be identified and removed.