Fallibility of the prophets from the viewpoint of Ibn Taymiyyah and its consequences
All Islamic sects maintain that prophets after being appointed as messengers of God will become infallible. But whether the prophets are infallible before starting the prophethood or not, there are some disputes. Ibn Taymiyyah thinks that all prophets are infallible just in cases concerning their mission and in other aspects of their lives are just like common people. He believes that prophets are infallible just in receiving the revelation and transforming it safely to others. Ibn Taymiyyah have no believe in absolute infallibility of all prophets, including our holy prophet Muhammad (PBH). In this essay, we are going to discuss the consequences of Ibn Taymiyyah's view on not accepting the absolute infallibility of prophets:1- if the prophets are not infallible, does Ibn Taymiyyah believe in the tradition and acts of Muhammad (PBH)? 2- accepting this idea, the tradition and actions of our Holy prophet Muhammad (PBH) will not be a source in Islam 3- if the prophets are not infallible in all aspects of their lives, can we trust to their teachings?
The Rational Analysis of Creational Agency in the Theoretical Systems of the Ash'arites and Followers of Transcendent Wisdom
Faranak Bahmani *, Masuodeh Fazel Yegane, Ali Allahbedashti
Aghl va Deen, -
Semantics of the phrase "Tebbiana Lakul Shi'e" in the Quran with emphasis on the anthropological opinions of Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli.
Osam Salmanian *, Ali Allahbedashti
Journal of Kalam Pajouhi,