The Representation of Narratorial Mode of Postmodern Novels According to Simpson's Linguistic-Literary Model: A Case Study of "The Possible Night"
Some linguistic theories claim that they have the capacity of describing and explaining all kinds of narratives, one of which is Simpson's linguistic-literary model. This essay, in a descriptive-analytic method, studies narratorial mode of The Possible Night by Mohammad Hassan Shahsavari according to the model mentioned, in order to show characteristics of the narrative structure of this postmodern novel and also evaluate the efficiency of Simpson's narrative analysis model in studying postmodern novels. Extracting essential textual instruments like languages and intra-lingual variations, different types of process, modes of speech and thought presentation, words signifying modality, analepses, prolepses and intertextual relations and analyzing them, it showed that this novel is analyzable according to five units of Simpson’s model. Languages and idiolects of characters represent their social and cultural levels, material process has been used more than other processes, this story is narrated in the first-person and from the viewpoint of participating character-narrators, free direct thought is found more than other types of speech and thought presentation, dominating modality is negative and this story involves intertextual relations in different fields such as places, characters and literary, artistic and philosophical works. However, textual structure of this novel is not analyzable through Simpson's model.
Cognitive Semantics, Philology and Persian Literature: Towards a diachronic analysis of conceptual mappings of the two Persian words, RUX and RŪY, based on the Prototype Theory
MOHAMMADREZA SHADMANI *, Mojtaba Monshi Zadeh, , Mehdi Purmohammad
Zabanshenakht, -
The Study of Relative Clauses in Azeri Turkish and Persian: A Typological Approach
Anita Bazian, *, Hayat Ameri
Journal of Western Iranian Languages and Dialects, -
A Study of Transformation of Linguistic Representation of Religion in the Works of Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Fateme Fouladi, Farhad Sasani
Journal of Comparative Linguistic Researches,