Typological Survey of Flat Wood Beam Ceilings in Historical Houses of Shiraz
This research presents the traditional construction details of flat wood beam ceilings and a typology of such ceilings in Shiraz historical houses, as well as the spaces that each type is used in. In addition to the development of technical knowledge, this study would also contribute to the systematic conservation of historical buildings. Moreover, recognition of wood as a natural material and its harmony with other construction elements and materials in historical buildings, as well as its environmental sustainability is important. This typological research uses a qualitative case study methodology through direct field survey and drawing the details of the ceilings in case houses. The collected data is then compared and analyzed regarding construction details and the spaces where each type is used. The findings show two major types for flat wood beam ceilings in Shiraz historical houses: “exposed” and “dropped” ceilings. The first type has two sub-types: simple ceilings, which are mostly used in corridors and sometimes in rooms; and ceilings in which load-bearing beams boast outstanding decorations and are mainly used in the major mirror halls or the main room of the house. In the second type of ceilings, the underneath coverage can be of gypsum plaster, wooden lattices, or wood lining. The gypsum type is rarely decorated, and therefore is used in corridors. The decorative lattice or lining types are used in the main hall or the seh-dari and panj-dari rooms, and if simple, are used in other rooms of the house and sometimes in corridors.
Analysis and Explanation of the Effective Components in the Selection of Sites for Inscription on the World Heritage List
Mohammadreza Mahmoodi, *, Rasool Vatandoost
Iranian Archaeological Research Journal, -
The Approach of Advisory Bodies to Evaluating Iran’s World Heritage Nomination Dossiers
MohammadReza Mahmoodi Qouzhdi, MohammadHassan Talebian *
Journal of Iranian Architecture Studies,