Characterization of Electromagnetic Force of the Transformer During the Occurrence of a Ferroresonance Phenomenon by FEM

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Ferroresonance is a non-linear resonance which occurs between the capacitors of the cables, lines, and breakers and nonlinear inductance of the reactors and transformers when their core is saturated. Due to ferroresonance, it has been proved that large pulse currents pass through the transformer winding which seems to cause severe electromagnetic forces on the transformer windings. This research work is aimed at characterizing the transformer behavior at ferroresonance mode and calculation of the electromagnetic forces applied on the windings. To this end, a 2D FEM model of a 25KVA distribution transformer is developed. The accuracy of the FEM model is validated by comparing the FEM results and those obtained from the analytical methods. The results of this study are of great importance in the electrical and mechanical design of transformers and their windings.

International Journal of Smart Electrical Engineering, Volume:8 Issue: 2, Spring 2019
75 to 82  
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