Parameters Affecting Environmental Issues in Northwestern Iran (Case: Drying of Lake Urmia)

Article Type:
Case Study (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Environmental issues have great importance in the science of geography and among geographical experts because the foundations this field of science is based on environment. Environmental issues in Iran have grown significantly in recent decades and have overshadowed geographical spaces. The northwestern region of the country has a special situation because the water shortage of Lake Urmia has the potentiality of destroying the existing ecosystem in the future. The present study aimed at identifying the parameters affecting the drying of Lake Urmia and ranking them. The method used in this research is descriptive-analytical method. The data was gathered using questionnaire and library source and the obtained data were analyzed using SPSS software and T-test. The results showed that 44 parameters in human, natural and combined dimensions are involved in the drying of Lake Urmia. Among the human parameters that affect the drying of Lake Urmia, the parameters of disturbing the ecological conditions of the region and lack of attention to water resources management are so important. In natural parameters, change and decrease in rainfall, successive droughts are so important. Moreover, in combined parameters, changing the pattern of cultivation and production of water-rich crops and use of wetlands, regardless of the capacity of wetlands, are the most important factors in the drying of Lake Urmia.

Journal of Geography and Environmental Hazards, Volume:9 Issue: 35, 2020
143 to 157
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