Review of Narrative in the novel "I turn off the lights" by Zoya Pirzad from the perspective of Gerard Genet
The novel”I turn off the lights”, Zoya Pirzad’s first novel,an Armenian_Iranian writer who has attracted the attention of literary critics and experts from various perspectives. In this novel, the narrator,Kalris Ayvazian,who is the main character of the story, tells the story of her life during her life and residence in Bavardeh Abadan.The narrative of her story is examined and analyzed based on the narrative perspective of Gerard Genet. Gerard G offers .main areas for novel and narrative analysis includes: narrative sound,narrative time and centralization that each of these . axes are divided into smaller sections. In this novel,Zoya Pirzad places the narrator in the position of the main character of the story and in the heart of the narrative. The narrator of the story is the narrator within an event that tells the events of the story in the past tense. The time of narration in a novel is post_event narration,a kind of narrative in which the person narrates the events that took place in the past,the narrator describes it now in the present. In the novel in question,because the narrator herself is the main character of the story and is at the heart of the story ،Her narration is on par with the level of the story itself,and based on this,the level of narration in this novel is the level within the story.The story has an internal focus and because their story is told in the language of a character , the story has a constant inner focus.