Stalking; A comparative study of Criminal Law of Iran and USA
Stalking is a form of harassment. Sometimes people with different motives, good or bad, constantly follow and Watch others. This behavior has been criminalized in some countries such as the USA with differential policies and measures. In criminal law of Iran, there is no crime with this title exactly, but its manifestations and examples, such as Article 619 of the Penal Code adopted in 1996, have been considered a crime, with no special punishment and security measures. It seems that through the development of cyberspace into today's life, it has become much easier to commit stalking crimes than past. therefore, general criminal policies do not make an effective deterrence. Victims in stalking crimes need legal protective and preventative measures like Protection order and Restraining order. Lack of preventive and security measures before proof of stalking crimes and conviction of offender are the most important legal shortcomings in criminal justice system of Iran. A comparative study with countries that have been successful in this regard seems useful.