The Survey and Analysis of the Novel "The Zero Degree Orbit" Based on Gerard Genette's Narrative Discourse Theory
One of the fundamental characteristics of narrative is time which proceeds in a narrative line. Genette, is one of the theorists who studies narrative in terms of time elements emphasizing on the importance of time. Since based on time visualization in narrative we can find out the quality of time structure and its importance in fictional narratives (according to the concepts of order, duration and frequency) we decided to study the novel "The Zero Degree Orbit" by Ahmad-Mahmoud to achieve the purpose. The method of this research is analytical-inferential and based on according of the components of the Genette narrative model. This paper, besides descriptive analysis of the time in "The Zero Degree Orbit", which has been narrated limitedly from the omniscient point of view, comes to the conclusion that in first four chapters of the novel, instances of anachronism, of kind analepsis and prolepsis can be seen that each has its own functions. The duration in the story last approximately seven years and with regards to acceleration criteria, the story in some cases shows fast rhythm and sometimes slow. Dialogues have dedicated a large amount of the text and the author has drawn important events by eliminating a lot of calendar times and events with dramatic scenes. there is also the function of various frequencies in this novel.
The Study of Streams of Consciousness in Dastane yek shahr Novel with Emphasis on Thematic Criticism
Research in Narrative Literature, -
Structural Analysis of time in Derakhte Anjir Maabed novel based on Gennetes theory
*, Fatemeh Koupa
Literary Arts,