We are immersed from cradle to grave in a media and consumer society and thus it is important to learn how to understand, interpret, and criticize its meanings and messages. Cultural studies allows us to examine and critically scrutinize the whole range of culture without prior prejudices toward one or another sort of cultural text, institution, or practice. cultural studies contains a threefold project of analyzing the production and political economy of culture, cultural texts, and the audience reception of those texts and their effects. This comprehensive approach avoids too narrowly focusing on one dimension of the project to the exclusion of others. To avoid such limitations, I would thus propose a multiperspectival approach that (a) discusses production and political economy, (b) engages in textual analysis, and (c) studies the reception and use of cultural texts. this article is about the potential contributions of a cultural studies perspective to media critique and literacy.
Assessing the Suitability of IRIB’s News Agency Organizational Atmosphere with the Emergence of Human Resource Creativity in the Arena of News
, Sayed Mehdi Sharifi *
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication & Media,