Analysis of Source Credibility StatusIn the TELEGRAM News ChannelsFrom the Contents Producer's Perspective and Communication Specialists
The growth of fake news in cyberspace has given renewed attention to the source credibility in modern media and has brought modern humans into the "era of credibility of information" from the "information age". The present study intends to investigate what factors have influenced the source's credibility in the new media, in order to provide a platform for coping with the publication of fake news. To this end, the researcher conducted a semi-structured interview with content producers in the Persian news channels of the TELEGRAM messenger and communications science specialist, and, using the method of Thematic Analysis, 36 items were cited based on the statements presented in the interviews, Identify and categorize them in six main categories. The sample size used for the interview is 25 people. Major categories include "evolution in the concept of information credibility", "Commodification of news and advertising", "the decline of social responsibility and professionalism," "the new approach to the production of style and content of news," "change In the news values "and" Changes in the traditional concept of the gatekeeping of news ", was obtained in the direction of the research. It has been suggested that media policymakers, while upgrading the user / audience media literacy,
efficiency indicators in Iranian news agencies (Case study; IRNA, ISNA and ILNA)
Reza Shokrgozar *, Mohamadjavad (Majid) Rezaeian, Akbar Nsarollahi
Journal of Cultural Studies Communication, -
The Future Study of Activities of Iranian News Organizations With an Emphasis on Post-Corona
Ahmad Niknam, *, Mohammadreza Jalilvand, Soraya Ahmadi
Communication Research,