Defense-security planning of cities using spatial analysis of physical and military vulnerability (Case study: Zahedan)
Spatial planning has two developmental and defense-security dimensions which, in view of the great importance of defense-security dimension in the national security of countries, should pay special attention to large-scale territorial development plans. One of the most important strategies in this dimension in land use planning is to consider passive defense considerations that play a role in reducing the physical-military vulnerability of cities. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the security-defense preparedness of Zahedan using spatial analysis of military-physical vulnerability and this was done by integrating multi-criteria decision-making models and geographic information system (GIS). The methodology of this study is descriptive-analytical and the AHP technique in Expert Choice software was used to weight the research vulnerability criteria. Also, fuzzy technique in ArcGIS 10.5 software with 13 criteria has been used to map Zahedan vulnerability. The results of the spatial analysis of the maps show, on the one hand, the highest vulnerability in the central areas and the least in the northern part of the city. On the other hand, according to the research criteria, the vulnerability of the western boundary of the city is lower than the eastern boundary.
Right to the city approach and urban land use changeA way to a sustainable and just city (Case Study: Tehran city)
*, Shiva Esmaeili
Human Geography Research Quarterly, -
Analysis of the role of economic factors in national convergence with emphasis on border provinces (Sistan and Baluchestan province)
Hosein Shokohi, *, Amirhosein Ganjimorad
Journal of Border Studies,