Criminology of the phenomenon of adolescent home escape
Adolescents who in the not too distant future will have to play various social roles and play the role of future parents of society. Although running away from home is itself a cause of many causes, but it can be used as a reason to commit further crimes. He spoke against himself and other members of society. In this descriptive study, an attempt has been made to answer the question that, firstly, "what are the most important causes of adolescents fleeing from home and what is the appropriate, effective and preventive criminal policy in the field of children fleeing?" Will the prevention of this phenomenon be effective? The findings of the study showed that unhealthy families are the main pillar of the realization of this phenomenon and it seems that the most appropriate preventive and controlling policy of this phenomenon is the adoption of growth-oriented preventive policy in the country. Children at risk and multidimensional support for them at different levels of individual, family, educational and community by a single guardian, can be effective in controlling, preventing and controlling this problem.