The philosophy of intimidation in empirical criticism (assessment of the deterrence of sentences and fines in Mashhad city)

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Throughout human history, why and how punishment has always been the subject of debate and attention of scholars, followed by various ideas for justifying punishment. One of the most fundamental ideas is to justify the deterrence punishment, with the ultimate aim of intimidating and inscrutable. The present study seeks to assess the deterrence of sentences and fines. For this purpose, among the cases of the crime of theft in the Mashhad jurisdiction, 100 cases of imprisonment and 100 cases with a cash penalty were randomly selected among the convicts who were executed in 2014. One year after the execution of the sentence, it was considered as an opportunity to Recidivism, and then they were inquired about each of them to determine whether they had committed a crime within a year after the initial conviction. The results show that 25% of convicts have been sentenced to imprisonment and 15% of convicted offenders have committed repeat offenses. There is also a significant relationship between demographic variables with repetition of crime in repeating offenderschr('39') convicted offenders, in contrast to cash penalties.

Judicial Law Views Quarterly (Law Views), Volume:26 Issue: 93, 2021
21 to 45  
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Javan Jafari Bojnordi، Abdolreza
    Corresponding Author (1)
    Javan Jafari Bojnordi, Abdolreza
    Professor criminal law and criminology department faculty of Law and political sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, مشهد, Iran
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