Freedom of access to documents and information in the administrative law of Iran and the European Union
28 of September has been designated as World Access to Information Day. The importance of this fundamental human right in modern administrative law in the form of "good governance" is the most important component of civil rights. In line with the transparency of various government bodies, at the international, regional and domestic levels, various laws appropriate to the development of societies and the acceptance of legislative institutions from a political and cultural perspective have led to basic human rights standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international civil and political covenant,
steps should be taken to gradually improve administrative rights and provide efficient public services to citizens, establish an independent judiciary, and be accountable for the issue discussed in Iranian and EU law.
Based on the analytical-descriptive and comparative method, the answer to the following question is: "How is access to documents and information achieved in the two legal systems of the European Union and Iran based on the attainment of citizenship rights?" That is, the EU system has more serious mechanisms due to the delay in regulating in this area on Iranchr('39')s administrative law. The regulation of various regulations in the form of the Law on Dissemination and Free Access to Information, the approval of the Supreme Administrative Council, the Charter of Citizenship Rights and the preparation of the Transparency Bill are positive steps that Iran has taken in recent years. Despite various regulations, ambiguities is remain.