Identifying the strategies of teachers in preschool centers of Malayer city in teaching the concepts of law, right and responsibility
Background & Purpose:
Problems that challenge sustainable social development can be significantly reduced by teaching citizenship skills in children's first environments and learning experiences.The purpose of this study was to identify the strategies of teachers in preschool centers in Malayer city in teaching the concepts of law, right and responsibility.
This research was descriptive and was conducted by interpretive phenomenology method. Participants in this study were 15 female preschool teachers. They had bachelor's and more than 2 years of job experience. They were working in preschools center of Malayer city Semi-structured interview was data collection tool and the content of the interviews were analyzed by content analysis and inductive content analysis using Maxqda sofeware.
The results showed that teachers' strategies in teaching the concepts of right, law and responsibility include strategies for counseling, dialogue, exemplary, encouragement, engaging the child in other activities, creating direct and real experience, formal education, play, and sometimes, threats, deprivation and compensation.
Based on the findings, the research recommendation is to increase the use of more creative and effective methods in teaching concepts of right, law and responsibility
Comparison of visual emphasis methodsin computer-assisted instruction on reading & phonologicalawareness of dyslexic children
Mansoureh Gharagozlu, *
Journal of Exceptional Education,