Post-structuralism in Sohrab Sepehri's Works
This article is interdisciplinary analysis between sociology andliterature and tries to study works of Sohrab Sepehri from sociologicalperspective. For this purpose, other than using various sociologicaltheories related to this field such as post-structuralism and modernhermeneutics, the methodology of Lacla and Mouffe‟s discourse analysisis also used. The results of this research show that, the works of Sepehrilack semantic determination, and the relationship between signifier andsignified is not one-to-one. This explains the possibility of poststructuralismof his works. This research also shows the literature of Iranalongside world literature has a high capacity to address human andsocial issues and interprets them with different approaches, whichSepehri‟s narrative is just one of them. This research and similar works,while discovering such potentialities, diminished the intricacies of theseworks, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary research andhighlighting the necessity of simultaneous education in the respectiveacademic disciplines.