Sociological discourse analysis of negotiations of the Islamicconsultative Assembly on the Family Protection Law
The study of the social and political history of Iran shows the importanceof the issue of women and the family for the leaders of the dominant andopposing political discourses. This study has been conducted with the aimof identifying the dominant discourses of the family in the IslamicConsultative Assembly and their sociological analysis. This study has beencarried out with the method of discourse analysis on the negotiations of theEighth Parliamentary Assembly on the topic of family protection law andits theoretical perspective is based on Agency-structure, system of action,representation and globalization theories. The results of the analysis of thetext and the analysis of the context of the negotiations show that, thediscourse's order of the parliament on the subject of "family and women"includes three discourses (fundamentalist traditionalism, moderatetraditionalism and modernist reformism), and the term "moderatetraditionalism" according to the context and social conditions and thepresence of a majority among the negotiators has been the dominateddiscourse. This discourse has been able to communicate between"fundamentalist discourse" (as the dominant discourse on political andeconomic structure) and “moderate traditionalism discourse" (as thedominant discourse on The structure of belief and social custom) andprevent the confrontation of these two (for example, on the subject oftemporary marriage).