Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s opinion about the “ṣa‘b and mustaṣ‘ab” hadiths: a critical analysis
Wonder of phrases and depth of the truths of reliable traditions from the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a.s.) which are well-known as “ṣa‘b, mustaṣ‘ab” (difficult and being considered difficult) traditions, suggest the importance and necessity of understanding this kind of traditions from different dimensions, so that despite the opinions of the expert scholars of hadith, as well as the researches contained in the four articles written so far in this regard, one can deal with this topic from other aspects like: intellect (‘aql) and intuition (shuhūd qalbī), and investigate their role in describing the comprehensive concept of “endurance” (taḥammul), etc. This article observed the above dimensions by means of analyzing the opinions of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in the matter of this kind of traditions applying qualitative content analysis as its method of research and by relying upon ijtihad-oriented lexicology, constituting a hadith family, and finding intratextual and extratextual indications. This writing also found out that the intellect and its dimensions as well as intuition had an undetachable connection with one another in the comprehensive concept of “endurance”. The expressions “amranā” (our affair), “ḥadīthanā” (our statement), etc. can be interpreted equally if the Ahl al-Bayt’s position of “Khalaīfatullāh” (God’s vicegerent) is taken into consideration.
Investigating the historical development of the discourse of war in the Islamic Revolution based on Norman Fairclough's model.
Journal of Islamic Revolution Research, -
Reliability of the hadith "Aqm Aslab qom Noah va Arham Nesaehem…" (the most barren lions and wombs of women belong to people of Noah…) based on divine justice
Fereidoun Rezaei *, Ali Hasan Beigi
Journal of Theological Hadith Research,