Investigation of aquaculture capacities of Ardabil Yamchi dam downstream river

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

This research was conducted in order to find the abilities of the downstream river of Ardabil Yamchi Dam and to determine suitable aquaculture places and to estimate the amount of production. For this purpose, available meteorological and climatic information of the region and data obtained from monthly and seasonal sampling in the field of physical and chemical factors of water, discharge and flood status, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic and fish communities, pollutants including heavy metals and agricultural pesticides and groundwater status were examined. The results of physical and chemical factors of water showed that almost all factors are in the right range of salmon farming. Bacillariophyta branch was predominant phytoplankton. According to benthos, biological index in stations 1 and 2 was very good to excellent. Also, 6 fish species from families of Cyprinidae and Nemacheilidae were identified in river. The amount of heavy metals examined was within the allowable standard range. Geophysical studies of groundwater showed that the thickness of the water layer is about 20 to 30 meters and acceptable to drinking according to Schuler diagram. The data showed that in general the Yamchi River can be exploited for cold-water aquatics, especially rainbow trout, and it is not possible to culture warm-water fish. Also, various rearing systems including race way and preferably a semi-recirculation system were proposed. In the current conditions of the river, if the minimum potentials of the region are used for aquaculture, production of at least 65 tons by race way up to a maximum of 650 tons in the semi-recirculation system and in case of allocating special water directly from Yamchi Dam Lake for aquaculture, a minimum of 300 to a maximum of3000 tons of salmon was predicted, respectively. In addition, it was recommended that aquaculture complexes be established instead of individuals.

Journal of Aquaculture Development, Volume:15 Issue: 4, 2021
95 to 115  
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Sabkara، Jalil
    Author (3)
    Sabkara, Jalil
    Researcher Ecology of water resources,
  • Babaeisyahgol، Hadi
    Author (4)
    Babaeisyahgol, Hadi
    Researcher Chemistry,Non-biological,Inland Water Aquaculture Research Institute, پژوهشکده آبزی پروری آبهای داخلی ، بندر انزلی ، ایران
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