Recognition of Jurisprudential Knowledge in Training The Soul of a Muslim Architect (Theory of the Wisdom of Presence in Islamic Architecture)
The present study tries to explain the role of architects in obtaining wisdom by analyzing the two components of opinion and practice in the knowledge of the law.
The present study has used qualitative content analysis to analyze the data extracted from islamic sources with documentary studies.
The union of opinion and action is achieved by understanding the presence and understanding of the limits of the architect in the position of opinion and maintaining the presence and maintaining the limits in the position of action, so that it provides a safe valley for him that leads to the manifestation of wisdom in Islamic architectur.
Manifestation of wisdom in architecture is not possible without the training of a wise architect in architectural works. The relationship between thought and action in wisdom and the mediator that connects the two has been neglected in today's knowledge of architecture. In line with this process, it has become .