The International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor Approach in Requesting a Ruling on Criminal Jurisdiction in the Situation of State of Palestine
The prosecutor has applied a request for ruling on jurisdiction in the Palestine situation under Article 19(3) of the Statute. It seems that the Prosecutor has not yet identified the Palestine state under the ICC jurisdiction with a declaration accepting the jurisdiction of it under Article 12(3) of the Statute. This subject is to examine the dimensions of that theory and the prosecutor’s approach, which has been considered by descriptive-analytical and critical method. The research question is, what the reasons are for the prosecutor’s approach in requesting for ruling on jurisdiction in the Palestine situation. The findings show that the prosecuter’ s political determination will prevail over his legal will. But the prosecutor is not a political official to overshadow international political considerations over performance in the Palestine situation. Therefore, regardless of the Zionist regime’s position, the prosecutor should conduct criminal investigations into the Palestine situation by Article 53(1) of the statute.
Ruling on Jurisdiction in the Myanmar Situation and its Results in The ICC’s Jurisprudence
Journal of Criminal Law Reserch,