The Election and Foreign PolicyA Look at Presidential Election and Its Role in 9th Election
This articles investigates 9th Presidential election of Iran from the perspective of political science and particularly public policy – making. It focuses on the impact of presidential election on Iranian foreign policy. To this end, the author studies these indications in detail: the overall trends in contemporary world, foreign policy, the variables of foreign policy, the role of role, the need to recongnition, president, the advisors of foreign policy, the contradiction of foreign policy goals, the goals of foreign policy of I. R. of Iran, the decision-making structure in I.R. of Iran, the implementation of foreign policy and finally the decision-making process in Iranian foreign policy. Beside discussion of the roles of peoples, president and presidential election, the author emphasizes that the common wisdom will decide in next election. In this context, the evidences and concepts related people’s attitudes and foreign policy are studied.
International Studies Journal, Volume:2 Issue: 1, 2005