Investigating the place of Arabic sentences in Fakhri Heravi Haft keshvar
Haft keshvar which has been written for the minister of Shah Ismail Safavid and himself, in the form of a travelogue that can be considered as a folk theme , in thoughts And Afkar, by giving historical examples, intends to teach the king and the minister, as he has sometimes stated explicitly, and closes the end of all the stories by determining the purpose of the story in the text. Literally, the fusion of order and prose in this work has given it the character of folk tales, while the literary aspect of order and prose in this text is not equal and the order seems weaker and weaker, and sometimes There are incorrect applications that may be related to copying or proofreading. But in terms of language, the prose of this book with captioning and plurality of adjectives and adjectives and ... and the use of storytelling words such as news narrators and narrators of works ... The mixture of poetry and prose differs from technical and industrial texts in such a way that poems can be removed from them without damaging the understanding of the meaning of the text.
Attar's interpretations of the story of Yusuf (AS) and Rostam in Diwan
Journal of Mysticism Studies in Literature, -
The foundation and foundation of Don Quixote
Journal of Linguistic Research and Applied Literature,