A constructive model of participation in the student sports
Education does not necessarily seek to train an athlete, but the goal of education is to train an active individual to have a healthy lifestyle in the future. The aim of this study was to introduce a constructivist model of participation in student sports, which was conducted with a qualitative research and exploratory-fundamental nature. Research data were collected through the targeted sampling method and snowball sampling technique, and based on the in-depth interviews with 16 experienced experts in the field of student sports, and data were coded and analyzed based on the theory of foundation data and with the constructivist approach of Charmaz. The findings showed that participatory roles in student sports are divided into four roles of informative, interesting, motivator and keeper. As a result, a basic data-driven theory with a medium range was explained, which is the essence of the grounded theory's research, called "non-commercial marketing of participation in sports," with the purpose of changing behavior and institutionalizing a desirable habit based on the active participation in the student sports. Then, it was found that observing and explaining the individual, social and environmental behaviors, that represent the factors of micro, intermediate and macro levels, can be turned into participatory roles in the student sports based on some requirements.
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