Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of dominant tree species and their regeneration status in Arasbaran protected area (Case study: Hoosh, Dinehvar, and Aghamirloo villages)
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of dominant tree species and their regeneration status in the Arasbaran forests. Data were collected by transect sampling and regeneration was assessed by plot with an area 100 m2. In the sample plots, we recorded information on species type, diameter at breast height, height, quality of seedlings and the presence of cut trees. Three customary areas, Hoosh, Dinehvar, and Aghamirloo villages were selected for study in Arasbaran protected area. The values of species diversity were calculated using the species diversity indices of Shannon Weiner and inverse Simpson. The results showed that the number of trees per hectare in the customary areas of Hoosh, Dinehvar and Aghamirloo were 498, 388 and 260 trees per hectare, respectively. The basal area of the trees was 10.77, 7.78 and 5.76 m2 per ha in the Hoosh, Dinehvar and Aghamirloo, respectively. The regeneration status showed that hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), oak (Quercus macranthera) and maple (Acer campestre) had 828, 506 and 360 seedlings per hectare, respectively. The volume of woody debris of hornbeam, oak and maple species were 2.56, 1.28 and 0.19 cubic meters per hectare, respectively. The stand regeneration were in the middle and good classes in terms of vitality. About 27.5% and 72.4% of the seedlings had good and medium quality, respectively. The crown cover percentage were between 50 and 90 percent, so the canopy of these areas was semi-closed. The results showed that in Aghamirloo and Hoosh customary area, the diversity of Shannon Weiner species and Simpson inverse index had the highest and lowest value, respectively. Uncontrolled human interventions and over harvesting in Arasbaran forests have caused significant quantitative and qualitative changes in these forests and the dependence of local communities on these forest have impacted on the species diversity.