Explaining Pattern-Based Reading in TeachingArchitectural History and Evaluating its Effectivenesson Architecture Students’ Ideation and Insights
In the following article, the necessity of effectiveness and application of historicalknowledge in architectural design is discussed. In other words, how historical data canbe an approach to enhance students’ design insights. A review of the literature suggeststhat one of the challenges of teaching architecture is helping students in the process ofcreating new ideas. Accordingly, one of the processes pursued by the designers and thestudents is referring to similar designs and the literature. Therefore, searching for tools andequipment that can help use previous literature and focus on their fundamental features,is of importance. The most appropriate leading-edge solution is to target architecturalhistory education by changing the teaching patterns that attempt to create contexts as wellas teaching students the correct ways and methods of adopting backgrounds to studentsand recall applications for achieving appropriate design elements and patterns so that theycan be used in today’s architecture in a new way. This study seeks to identify pattern-basedreading which is related to architecture and is a need for modern education of architecturalhistory, which will have a positive impact on the quality and variety of ideation of studentsmajoring in architecture. Therefore, the most important research questions of this studyare: what is the effect of pattern-based reading on the ideation process of students majoringin architecture? And what are the components of pattern-based reading in teachingarchitectural history? Hence, the present paper aims to find solutions to the application ofpatterns and concepts of architectural history in architectural design using pattern-basedreading in architectural history teaching through a qualitative-quantitative approach withempirical as well as a library-based research tools (through studying related theories anddefinitions), student questionnaire (content analysis), and field study through participatoryand non-participatory observation and finally, pre-test and post-test implementationand analysis of its results. By referring to the results obtained from the tests, and aftercontrolling the effect of the pre-test, the quality, and the variety in the ideas provided,there was a significant difference and since the experimental groups mean score was high,this indicated the positive effect of pattern-based reading in the instruction of architecturalhistory on the quality, variety of ideas, and art works created by students of architecture
Approaches to the Formation of Schools and Their Organizational Models Based on the Fundamental Transformation Document
Mehdi Hamzenejad *, Mohsen Faizi, Hosein Abdolkhaleghi
Bagh-e Nazar, -
Enhancing Daylight and Energy Efficiency in the Architecture Studio by Designing Light Shelves and Windows with Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization
Zahra Sharifian, Narges Dehghan *, , Zahra S. Zomorodian
Journal of Urban Management and Energy Sustainability, Summer 2023