The role of rulers in the religiosity of society,a case study of the proposition "People are on the religion of their rulers"
The role of rulers in religiosity or non religiosity of society has been the subject of discussion by many scholars of religious and social issues. Some of them have considered the rulers as the only determining factor of the religious culture of the people based on the proposition of "people are on the religion of their rulers". An examination of the background of this phrase shows that despite its repetition in some contemporary research works, it is not found in authentic Shiite and Sunni sources, and in the few works mentioned, either its source is not mentioned or it is explicitly considered as a common proverb. Examining the content of this hadith by presenting it on the Qur'an and similar hadiths, shows that the negative or positive impact of the rulers on the religion and culture of society is acceptable and is confirmed by historical facts; But since according to some other verses and hadiths, many factors play a role in the religiosity or non religiosity of the people, the rulers can not be considered as the only factor; Especially in some societies, despite the rule of righteous leaders, society has continued its deviant path and in some societies, despite the extensive and long-term efforts of corrupt leaders to deviate society, people were less influenced by their instincts and maintained their original beliefs. Moreover, today, with the lifting of state monopolies in the political, economic, cultural, and media spheres, and the emergence of irresponsible but powerful transnational media empires, the positive and negative influence of national rulers on the culture of society has been greatly reduced.
ruler , culture , religiosity
Evaluation of the Traditions of Yūnus ibn Ẓibyān Ẓibyān in Al-Kāfī Based on Source Retrieving’s Method
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Hadith Studies, -
Analyzing the Influence of the Rulers on People's Religiosity with an Emphasis on the Story of Prophet Moses and Pharaoh
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Journal of Understanding Quran studies, -
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