“Parallel salaf contract” in the balance of jurisprudential and legal criticism
The “parallel salaf contract” is one of the contracts created for the purpose of financing and development in the secondary market.There are also types created for this contract, each of which is evaluated with its own characteristics.The degree of compatibility of this contract with the jurisprudential and legal criteria explained in the“salaf contract” is an issue based on which the present study has been compiled by analytical and descriptive methods.It is worth mentioning that justifications or executive mechanisms have been created for the compatibility of such contracts with jurisprudential and legal criteria However, in this article, in addition to explaining some of the points and objections that exist in this field, some of the answers given in this regard are reviewed. The result of this research indicates that, contrary to some of the ideas expressed in this field, the common type of such a contract does not comply with the valid jurisprudential criteria in the “salaf contract”.
مفهوم شناسی «اخافه الناس» در جرم محاربه از دیدگاه فریقین
موسی عسکری، *
پژوهش نامه مطالعات تطبیقی مذاهب فقهی، بهار و تابستان 1403 -
Jurisprudential-Legal Examination of the Husband's Right to Restitution of Dowry which is Discharged by the Divorced Wife
Maryam Varzdar *, Mohsen Malek Afzali Ardekani
Family Law and Jurisprudence,