An Analysis of the Position of Good Ethics in Imami Jurisprudence and the Iranian Legal System
The purpose of this study is to analyze the position of good morals in Imami jurisprudence and the Iranian legal system, so the issue of the present study is what is the place of good morals in Imami jurisprudence and the Iranian legal system; Based on the findings of the present study, which has been done analytically and descriptively, the results were obtained that good morality, based on nature and norm, is to limit the will of individuals to protect social interests and it should be the source of legal rule and legal propositions. He knew that in addition to a purely negative role, it also has a positive function and this source, like other sources, is affected by the basis of validity of rules in the legal system. Crimes against good morals are widely mentioned in the jurisprudential chapters and laws of Iran. These crimes are sometimes committed individually. If these crimes are committed in an organized manner, the issue of negligence and veiling will be removed and a serious confrontation will be put on the agenda, especially if this act is done with the intention of disrupting the Islamic system or overthrowing it, in which case It will be subject to titles such as corruption on earth. Also, in order to annul contracts that are against good morals, it is not necessary that there is a specific legal text, but it is enough for the judge to recognize the contract as against good morals and declare it invalid, even if the law is silent about it. This article analyzes the position of good morals in Imami jurisprudence and Iranian law.