Typology of Judges' Mistakes in Iranian Law
The civil liability of the government and its employees is a relatively new idea that has created a variety of topics. Considering the importance of the position of judgment and its impact on the interests of individuals, judge error can be one of the most important instances of error of government employee.
It is descriptive study.
Ethical Considerations: All ethical considerations have been observed.
The judge's mistake can be divided for a variety of reasons, and its origin can also be the judge's ignorance or his misinterpretation of legal texts.
In any case where a person is forced to compensate for other compensation, he or she has civil liability. Therefore, these interpretations can also be attributed to the judge's performance and the works that follow his judgment. The damages caused to individuals by the judge's ruling are an example of the judge's mistake. If the damages are not due to the judge's mistake and are related to the court's instruments, the government is responsible for the compensation.