The economical valuation of environmental satisfaction in the recreational district "Taleghan Dam"
The economic value can be recognized as an effective solution on the optimization of environmental policies. These systems provide necessary mechanism to increase social welfare. So, evaluating their values by means of numerical approaches could be properly effective. In this research, the recreational value of "Taleghan Dam" was determined by contingent valuation method. Considerable satisfactory elements were also determined by Logit method. Required data for this study has been collected by filling up 162 questionnaires. The results showed that willingness to pay for recreational utilize in Taleghan Dam touristy area was 3027 and 10534 Rials for each person and family, respectively. According to annually visitors of 120,000 persons, the overall recreational value of this tourist area has been reached to 1,264,033,200 Rials. Variables like family revenue, educational level, originality, and the fishery facilities have statistically positive significant effects on the individual willingness to pay for area environmental services. The elements of satisfactory among independent variables has a significant effect on the willingness to pay, while the time that people allocated to visit alternative places have the least effect.