Preparation and Validation of Fear of Marriage Questionnaire Among Female University Students

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The purpose of this study was preparation and validation of fear of marriage questionnaire among female students of Tabriz University. The present research was a validation and psychometric study. The population consists all the female students of Tabriz University in the academic year 2016-17. The participants were 155 female student that selected through multi-stage cluster sampling method, and they were asked to complete the researcher-made questionnaire of fear of marriage. For assessing the construct validity and determining the factor structure of the questionnaire, exploratory factor analysis through principal components method with Varimax rotation was used. Exploratory factor analysis extracted one-factorial that named “fear of marriage” and a three-factorial structure that named respectively, “fear of husband issues”, “fear of interpersonal differences”, and “fear of restrictions on working and education”. Reliability coefficients of questionnaire through Cronbach’s alpha and split-half coefficients were appropriate. Group differences between single and engaged participants indicated the relevance of this questionnaire. At all, these criteria indicate that this questionnaire has high validity and reliability for assessment fear of marriage among girls. So, it can be used in premarital counseling and psychological researches.
Modern psychological research, Volume:17 Issue: 65, 2022
10 to 20  
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