Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognition Therapy on Covid-19 Anxiety and Distress Tolerance in the Patients Recovered from Corona Virus
The present study was conducted with the purpose of investigating the efficacy of mindfulness-based cognition therapy on Covid-19 anxiety and distress tolerance in the patients recovered from Corona virus. It was a quasi-experimental study with pretest, posttest, control group and three-month follow-up period design. The statistical population included the patients recovered from Covdi-19 in the city of Shiraz in the autumn and winter of 2020. 31 patients recovered from Covid-19 were selected through purposive sampling method and randomly accommodated into experimental and control groups. The experimental group received mindfulness-based cognition therapy (Cabat-Zin, 2003) during eight seventy-five-minute online sessions during a month. The applied questionnaires in this study included Corona Disease Anxiety Scale (Alipour, et.al, 2019) (CDAS) (Alipour, et.al, 2019) and Distress Tolerance Questionnaire (DTQ) (Simons and Gaher, 2005). The data from the study were analyzed through mixed ANOVA. The results showed that mindfulness-based cognition therapy has had significant effect on covid-19 anxiety and distress tolerance in the patients recovered from Coronal Virus (p<0001) and could lead to the decrease of Covid-19 anxiety and the improvement of distress tolerance. According to the findings of the present study it can be said that mindfulness-based cognition therapy can be used as an effective intervention to decrease Covid-19 anxiety and improvement of distress tolerance in patients recovered from Corona virus through employing mindful attitude, mindful activities, addressing problem-making feelings and emotions and breathing exercises.