Determining the Effect of Traffic Management and Control Strategies on the Pattern of Suburban Travel During the Outbreak of Corona Virus
After The Emergence of the COVID-19 Virus, Beyond the Inappropriate Aspects of the Contagion of the Virus, the Effects on the Global Society Have Been Appeared. Changes in Mental Health, Social Relations, Lifestyle, Transportation, Income, Living Motivation, Etc. Has Been Investigated in Various Researches. in this Study, the Effects of COVID-19 Contagion on Changes in Traffic Volume, Modes, Air Pollutions Such as Particulate Matter (PM), Sulphur Oxides (SOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) For Karaj-Chalus Corridor, is Investigated by SPSS Using Pearson Correlation and Cross-Correlation, And Multivariate Regression. in Addition, the Effects of Control and Management Policies Against Corona Virus Contagion on Each Aforementioned Parameters Were Evaluated. the Results of this Study Showed That, During the Peak Period of the COVID-19 Contagion, the Traffic Volume is Accompanied with A Significant Reduction as Well as the Amount of Generated Pollutants. However, After A Short Time Elapsed Since the Peak of Both the Contagion and the Lockdown, Traffic Volume Increased Even More Than Pre-COVID Period. Moreover, the Analysis of Transport Mode Changes and The Heavy Vehicles' Pollution Showed That Traffic Restrictions and Fines for Non-Domestic Passengers, Despite Higher Risk of Infection, Augmented The Interest of Travelling with Suburban Buses. Cross-Correlation Analysis Showed After 20 Days of Entering Higher Amount of Vehicles to Mazandaran District, Covid Cases Increased Respectively.
Investigating the Practical Capacity of the Metro Line in the Impact of the Hourly Distribution Pattern and the Departure and Arrival of Passengers to the Stations
*, Amirhosein Hamzehi, Hamid Bigdeli Rad
Journal of Transportation Research, -
Optimizing the Performance of Traffic Squares by Simulating Different Scenarios of adding Traffic Signals (Case Study: Valiasr and Ferdowsi Square, Tehran)
*, Sepideh Jafari, Bigdelirad Hamid
Road journal,