Examining the Necessity or Unnecessity of Preserving the Financial Ability in the Case of Absence of Other Kind of Abilities in Hajj
One of the conditions of obligatory for Hajj is ability and one of its types is financial affordability. Although some rulings in this condition can be understood by public or even reason, but since the establishing this condition has been stated by the Supreme Lawgiver (SHaare’e Mota’aal), therefore, in the first place, the criterion is the words of the Supreme Lawgiver. One of the important issues in financial affordability is the necessity or unnecessity of preserving the financial ability in the case of absence of other kind of abilities. Arguments have been made for the necessity of maintaining financial ability such as consensus (Ijmaa’), reason (‘Aql), the necessity of preserving the destroyer precepts (Moqaddamaate Mofawweteh), the inevitability of abortive of legislation and obligation of Hajj (Estelzaame Laghwiyyate Tashri’e Wojube Hajj), the appearance of the arguments (Zohure Adelleh) of affordability, narrations (Akhbaar), etc. On the other hand, it has been argued for the non-obligation to maintain financial ability with arguments such as financial ability being part of the cause (Joz al-‘Ellah), ability being actualized, etc. In this article, we have used the library method, and according to the argues of the obligatory of performing Hajj, the mere actualization of financial ability is sufficient to maintain it, and the fulfillment of other conditions of ability are not necessary.