Media Law, Freedom of Speech and Human Rights
The present research was conducted in order to explain the relationship between media law and human rights and to identify its requirements, obstacles and necessities. For this aim, it was studied documents and sources, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and international human rights treaties, principles related to media law and freedom of speech in the Constitution of Iran. In this regard, the requirements of media rights include: comprehensiveness between rights and ranges; generality and media-oriented; Emphasis was placed on union and civil supervision, and compliance with the principles of law writing. And the most important obstacles to freedom of speech in the media were in four fields including: organizational structure; limitation of financial resources; hardware problems; and government interference in media news. According to the findings, the right to freedom of speech has always been recognized for the people both in the Constitution of Iran and in the way of the Prophet of Islam and Imam Ali, and there is for the media, as representatives of public opinion and the fourth pillar of democracy.