Human Rights Violations in Myanmar from Statelessness to Genocide (2017-2021)
The right to life and citizenship as one of the most basic human rights and statelessness or not having an effective and legal citizenship is an acute and big problem. The right to life, as the most basic human right, cannot be taken away by other groups or individuals, and genocide, as an internationally known crime, is one of the shocking international crimes because it violates the most basic human right, the right to life. Article (15) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates that all people have the right to citizenship and no one will be arbitrarily deprived of their citizenship. Regulations developed in order to avoid or reduce statelessness are included in several international human rights treaties, including the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Conventions on the Rights of the Child, citizenship of married women, reducing statelessness, the status of stateless persons, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the mentioned covenant also emphasized that governments should observe the provisions of the Convention on the Prohibition of Genocide and deviation from it is not allowed. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical. The findings show that Rohingya Muslims are facing multi-dimensional problems, which are sometimes the cause and effect of each other. Statelessness, discrimination and harassment, illegal immigrants and genocide are among the human rights violations that Rohingya Muslims have faced due to the lack of citizenship protection from the government. Muslims of Myanmar are among the ethnic and religious minorities who are deprived due to discrimination in citizenship laws.