Expressing the position of communication in the structure of public service motivation theory based on Nahj al-Balagha
Public service motivation is more of a technical term that is not known to researchers who are not familiar with public administration; Therefore, more care should be taken in conveying its concepts (Bozman and Su, 2015: 703). Perry and Wise (1996) considered public service motivation as a kind of individual tendency and desire to realize motives that are unique to public institutions and organizations. Based on this, public service motivation as an altruistic motivation has a positive effect on people's performance and is a type of individual behavior that ultimately leads to serving the society and its individuals (Anderson and Cerizlo, 2012: 20). Contrary to this point of view, Perry and Handqom (2008) believed that although in popular language, the motivation of public service is used as equivalent to altruism, but these two concepts are different from each other. Public service motivation is a specialized term that means nurturing people who do not participate in public administration, while altruism, from Baston and Shaw's (1991) point of view, is a motivational state whose ultimate goal is to increase people's well-being (Bozeman and Su, 2015: 706).